
New life, new year
The usual expression is “new year, new life”, and I know we're already halfway through January. This text is, in a way,

New life, new year
The usual expression is “new year, new life”, and I know we're already halfway through January. This text is, in a way,

One more time
From 17 to 23 November 2024, I took part in the Zen Peacemakers' Retreat in the Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camps in Poland. But why take part once again?

Beginnings and endings
In our existence, every process has its beginning and end point. In our human limitations of partially understanding reality as it is

A wounded body
The Earth's unique body is wounded. The human species has seriously injured the Life Systems. We need to immediately change our way of living, as the consequences of our ignorance regarding the limits that we must respect when dealing with planetary resources are evident across the planet.

Listen, learn, pronounce
When I'm in Brazil, I try to be immersed in the intensity of the country where I was born. And it's always very intense.
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