
The effects of our relationship with Space and Time are inevitable and easily perceptible in our existence. In our life process as human beings, there is no denying that we are born one day, we are continuously aging, we eventually deal with imbalances in the form of illnesses, and we will certainly die.

Although these facts are undeniable, our perception of them is relative, depending on many variables. Likewise, we also have relative freedom as to how we respond to these perceptions. Thus, we can become more aware and make more rewarding choices about how we relate to our situation - where I am in the world - and priorities - what I do with the time I have.

In short, the space-time aspects of existence remind us of human finitude and relative smallness. If we must accept that we are all - whatever our role or social status - inexorably subject to the events of birth, illness, old age and death, it is also true that we can choose to respond in a healthier and more integral way to the transformations that occur throughout the seasons of life.

Since, by nature's logic, what is inevitable cannot be an evil in itself, it is smart to learn ways to modulate our response to these facts of existence. In this sense, a simpler lifestyle makes it possible to have a fuller, healthier and happier everyday life, with less waste of resources of any kind.
For example, we can consider our relationship with our movements and breaks, on a physical, emotional and mental level. Our species has radically changed its behavior patterns in a short period of time in history. We now live in a society focused on results. In a way, it has become imperative to go faster and further, even if we don't reflect on where we are going. Our schedules are overloaded, but we hardly do anything that brings us genuine joy. We move our bodies less and less, but we are almost always tired, lacking vitality.

In terms of the use of natural resources, our species consumes more than ever, and in an unbalanced way. While many suffer from hunger, many others suffer from overeating. Nowadays, we have access to an incalculable amount of information that we can't even process in the form of knowledge, which in a way hinders the emergence of the wisdom that comes primarily from experience, and only secondarily from virtual experiences.

In this line of reflection, we will certainly come to question our patterns of using space and time. And this will merit extensive consideration, given the complexity of its causes and effects, and the potential for transformation that exists in apparently trivial actions, both on an individual and collective level. Our aspiration here is to collaborate in the dissemination of qualified practices and information on these aspects.
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