Simple. How simple?

Photo Jorge Koho Mello - Seagull over the Limmat River, Zürich

Better to start at the beginning.

Simplicity is often considered the opposite of complexity. In my opinion, this is a misconception. What is simple is the opposite of what is complicated, but very close to what is complex.

Simplicity is close to complexity in the sense that the most significant elements of life go beyond our understanding or rational explanation. It is impossible to limit what is really valuable to concepts. In time: in the search for coherence, I ask you not to believe what is written here. Ask yourself questions, experiment, try: try, right now, to define in words and concepts the essential factors of your existence. Try to accurately express the greatness of your affections, the breadth of your sorrows and pleasures, the depth of your enchantments.

Very good. But what is the point of cultivating simplicity? Firstly, it helps us to live better, with more clarity and personal and relational harmony. At the same time, it provides a level of comfort and contentment that will depend less and less on circumstances. Not least, it contributes to an existence that has less impact on the Life Systems on planet Earth, which is becoming a more urgent issue every day, deserving of our attention and coherent actions.

Thank you in advance for your attention, and I hope that we can cultivate an ongoing sharing around the themes of simplicity and its manifestations in our lifestyle.

Take good care of yourself and enjoy your life.

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